Wild Rose Subdivision
Wild Rose is a single-family development currently under construction at East Hill Road in Eagle, ID.
Wild Rose Homes for Sale
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Wild Rose & Amenities
- Priced from the $700s
- Square footage from 2,000 to 3,400
- Beds from 3 to 5, Baths from 2 to 4
- Homesites range from 0.146 acres (6,361 sq ft) to 0.285 acres (12,415 sq ft)
- 9 building lots 3.3 acres
- Eagle Hills Elementary - 1.6 mi
- Eagle Middle - 2.8 mi
- Eagle High - 4.5 mi
Site Plan

South of Hill Rd, East of Edgewood Ln.
Hill Rd, Eagle, ID 83616.
Contact us today to learn more – Our experienced Eagle real estate agents are here to help you find the perfect place to call home (208) 391-4466.