Warrick Meridian
Warrick, commonly referred to as Calistoga, is a single-family home community by Schultz Development currently in planning at 2445 East Amity Road in Southeast Meridian, ID. The Warrick subdivision will offer 130 homesites on 36.22 acres. The property is adjacent to the White Bark subdivision to the west, Sky Mesa subdivision to the south, Castle Creek subdivision to the north, and the Ten Mile Creek on the east. The site is immediately accessible by Amity Road on the north side of the community. All interior roadways will be 33' wide with detached 5' sidewalks and 8' tree-lined park strips.
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Warrick Features & Amenities
The site has ample amenities including a 2.5-acre park with community pool, clubhouse, play area, and connecting pathways with a sitting area. Additionally, a 10-feet wide, paved regional trail will be constructed along Ten Mile Creek on the eastern side of the subdivision.
- Square footage from 1,350 to 1,550 townhouses, 1,350 to 2,200 for patio homes and 2,000 to 4,000 for traditional homes.
- Traditional homes will have 62' and 70' wide lots with an average area of 9,061 sq ft and minimum lot size 8,116 sq ft.
- Status: Coming Summer 2020
- Homesites: Approximately 130 building lots from 0.102 acres (4,440 sq ft) average lot size 0.176 (7,659 sq ft).
- Hillsdale Elementary - 2.0 mi
- Victory Middle - 3.7 mi
- Mountain View High - 2.9 mi
Site Plan

South of Amity Rd between Locust Grove Rd and Eagle Rd.
2445 East Amity Road, Meridian, ID 83642.