We Know Boise Real Estate
August, 2015
Found 3 entries for August, 2015.

So What Is an FHA Loan?

FHA stands for Federal Housing Administration. In simple terms, this is a loan program that’s popular with first-time homebuyers that is backed and insured by the federal government. Now it’s important to know that this isn’t who will make you the loan, your lender will do that, but this is an entity that oversees and helps folks get into new homes. Also worth noting – not all lenders are FHA qualified and not all FHA qualified lenders are the same when it comes to interest rate, fees, etc. Like anything else, always shop around to get the best deal.

What Are the Advantages of FHA Loans?

When it comes to an FHA loan- What’s in it for me? A much lower down payment! I don’t know about you but growing up I always thought

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Idaho First Time Home Buyer Programs

Reality Check: You’re Already Paying a Mortgage. Monthly rents have shot up throughout the area and now more than ever, folks realize that the amount of rent they’re paying every month could easily be paying an actual mortgage – for a home you own. There are many Idaho First Time Home Buyer Programs that can help you do just that.

National Programs & Grants


A significant portion of first time home buyers will utilize an FHA (Federal Housing Administration) loan. An Idaho FHA loan is a loan that is backed by the government and buyers are required to put down at least 3.5% of the loan amount in order to purchase a home. Let’s face it, 3.5% can add up. What most people don’t know is that there are Idaho first time home buyer programs out

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Single family homes sold in the Boise real estate market for the month of July totaled 451. Compared to July of last year, this is an 11% increase compared to the 418 homes that were sold. Last month in June, we had a total of 518 homes sell so we should continue to see this number decrease as the year progresses. The summer months here in our market tend to be the busiest all year and as summer winds down, people are looking to get settled in prior to the start of the school year which is the end of August.

The Boise median home price for homes sold in July was $204,500, this is a 9.7% decrease from the median price we saw in June at $210,000. The median price per square foot in July for a home would set you back $124 per square foot. Last year in

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