We Know Boise Real Estate
August, 2022
Found 2 entries for August, 2022.

Top Dog Parks in Boise ID

Ask any dog owner and they’ll tell you that some of their best happy hours don’t come in a pint glass. Their happiest hours are the ones spent with their best four-legged friends, letting off steam and socializing at a Boise dog park.

But dogs, like people, have their own preferences when it comes to recreating. Some like nothing more than a leisurely sniff, others like to romp with new friends, while still others like to sprint full bore in circles until they drop.

So we’ve compiled a list of our top 10 favorite off-leash dog parks in the Treasure Valley, along with what makes them so great. Here they are, in no particular order:

1. Ann Morrison Park

Downtown Boise – 1000 S Americana Blvd
Off-Leash Hours: sunrise to sunset, Nov. 1 - Feb.

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Volatile mortgage rates slow demand in Boise's housing market

The supply of homes for sale in the Treasure Valley continues to rise as buyers are forced to contend with volatile interest rates.

Over the past year, Ada County home prices have risen 9.26%, while Canyon County’s are up 6.57%.

Even as prices remain well above last year’s levels, June’s sudden increase in mortgage rates sent July sales tumbling by one-third from the same period a year ago. While that is a notable decline, it appears to be more a result of recent interest rate fluctuations than a long-term trend.

Since the end of May, mortgage rates have bounced from 5% to over 6% and back again. At one point in June, rates rose 0.55% in one week, the biggest seven-day surge since 1987.

As you would expect, that's taken affordability and

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